Lingkar Belajar Bulan Sabit

Supported by Penahitam Legion

The Crescent Learning Circle (Lingkar Belajar Bulan Sabit) is a project initiated by the Penahitam Legion. This project is engaged in education and aims to share knowledge, especially in the field of art and design.

The first program of the Crescent Study Circle is a drawing class packaged in the form of a long term intensive course. This drawing class aims to produce young visual artists who can have characters in their works.

4 main points in learning and assistance namely:

  1. Technical strengthening,

  2. The ability to process ideas,

  3. Visual character development,

  4. Understanding and insight to be professional

DURATION & ASSISTANCE MECHANISM • Class duration will run for 4 months from June to September 2023 or with a total of 16 meetings (1 week 1 meetings, both for online classes and offline classes). The duration of 1 meeting is 5 hours. For offline classes on the day Saturday and online on Sunday. Classes will be held in at the same time, namely 13.00 - 17.00 WIB. • For assistance outside the classroom, it will be done every day online via Discord with a duration of 3 hours on 18.00 – 20.00 WIB • The participants will be guided to create works and be provided with material that has already been prepared determined. • Each participant will receive personal assistance intensively by the mentors who will be adapted to learning needs of each participant. • Offline classes will be held at Penahitam Artspace • Online classes will be held using Discord.

MENTORS: Lathigeni and Akwan. project (Several other illustrators will be onboard as guest mentors for help with materials)

QUOTA This Crescent Study Circle will be limited to 20 people registrants, with a division of 6 people for offline classes and 14 people for online classes. But for offline classes it can also be done online consultations outside of offline classes.

WHAT PARTICIPANTS GET • Participants will receive class materials and schedules. • Participants will receive special assistance from para mentor who will be adapted to learning needs from each participant. • Drawing tools are provided by the organizers. • Participants will receive a certificate. • The works of the participants will be presented in the form of an exhibition after passing 16 meetings. • Participants will receive the work of the assignment to be recorded into an artzine which summarizes the final results and processes in the Crescent Learning Circle.

WHO CAN SIGN UP? Anyone can join this class without being limited by profession, age, race, gender and religion.



  1. Submit your latest CV and Portfolio to Google Form along with full name and mobile phone number. Participants will be curated first before finally can join the Crescent Study Circle.

  2. Willing to pay a registration fee IDR 3000K

Presentation Slides:

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